Chewigem Toy Remote

Using the Chewigem toy TV remote. 

My eldest daughter, (5) has been using Chewigem products for over a year now, she has the purple Eternity necklace and light blue twister bangle (Chewellry.) She has used these products because she gets very anxious about changes to her routine and often needs reassurance, she picks away at her nails and the Chewigem Chewellry items help to keep her calm, she even takes these items into school.

“CHEWIGEM® is a UK based, chewable jewellery designed to meet the needs of those children and adults who need to chew. CHEWIGEM ® is a non toxic, stylish and effective at meeting this need.”


My youngest daughter (2) displayed a need to chew from a baby, she has always been an oral seeker and will get distressed if her dummy is taken away, and her item to chew removed. From the age of 18 months, she began eating inedible items such as mud, sand, chalk, stones and playdough. In June 2017 we shared our concerns with a health professional and she is now being assessed for Pica (“Pica is characterized by an appetite for substances that are largely non-nutritive.” Source:

I was therefore keen to try an alternative item that was safe for her to display her need to chew. I wondered if my daughter would respond to the same items as her older sister with the Chewellry, however she wasn’t keen. My daughter likes to chew on our TV remote so when I discovered that Chewigem offer a Toy TV remote, whilst visiting the Chewigem stall at The Autism Show, I wanted to give this a try. The toy remote is:

“Made of the same soft, flexible non toxic, washable silicone as all our stuff. Ideal for those who will not tolerate a necklace or a bangle being worn. Robust items that can withstand moderate to aggressive chewing.” 



We have noticed that our daughter had taken to the remote straight away and even used it as a pretend phone! So far we have also noticed a reduction in the amount of dummy use and also the amount of inedible items being put into her mouth. I recently found that you can buy an attachment that can enable the chewy remote to be fixed to a pushchair, etc.


I would highly recommend Chewigem products to anyone.

You can order Chewigem products through Website: 

You can also visit the Facebook page:


Thanks for reading.